I AM Noticed Core Content
Curricular Focus: Introduction and Discovery
Discovery: Using positive intra- & inter- personal communication to build positive relationships.
Lesson 1.1: Letter to Self
Supplies needed: Journal or paper, writing and/or drawing supplies
Big Idea 1: SE 1 Understanding Self as an Individual and as a Member of Diverse Local and Global Communities
Concept A: Self-Concept
Instruct the students to write a letter to self. Encourage them to use the art of discovery and ask questions like: What are some things that I really like about myself? What are my favorite things to do? What are some positive words that describe me? What is good? What is hard? What do I want to do? When do you feel confident? Your story matters. So...write it out.
Please share the following concepts as a part of this lesson: You will spend more time with yourself than with any other person on the planet. So it is very important that you use positive intrapersonal communication with yourself (that means that you are kind in your mind). Asking yourself good questions is a great way to practice the art of discovery. The great thing about this skill set is that it truly is a foundation for practicing authentically Noticing the goodness in yourself and others. Self-awareness is foundational in creating a sense of self-worth; leading to a sense of belonging.
Everyone has a story worth validating.
Quick Tip>
The goal of writing a letter to self is to help each person get comfortable practicing an internal dialogue. Though we want to encourage positive communication, we also want to allow for honest communication.
Research shows that self-awareness is directly related to both emotional intelligence and success. Self-awareness helps us make more informed decisions and contribute to our own overall well being.
Lesson 1.2: I AM Noticed Cycle Worksheet
Supplies needed: Worksheet, writing and/or drawing supplies
Big Idea 1: SE 1 Understanding Self as an Individual and as a Member of Diverse Local and Global Communities
Concept A: Self-Concept
C: Being a Contributing Member of a Diverse Global Community
Big Idea 2: SE 2 Interacting with Others in Ways That Respect Individual and Group Differences
Concept A: Quality Relationships
B: Respect for Self and Others
C: Personal Responsibility in Relationships
Give each student a copy of the I AM Noticed Cycle Worksheet to introduce them to the cycle. Below are brief explanations for each part of the cycle. You can use them as you go along, and encourage participants to answer the questions on the worksheet.
Want-to - choosing to have a positive attitude
(The attitude you choose affects the culture around you.)
Positive I AMs - using positive self-talk
(What you say after I AM is true for you.)
Noticing goodness - recognizing goodness in self and others
(Everyone is worthy of being Noticed. This is not about achievement.
Noticing with a capital N is simply; I see you, I hear you, and you matter. Noticing goodness is to choose to see the good in those around us.)
Receiving goodness - saying "thank you"
(Choosing to receive fortifies our confidence.)
Rippling goodness - you impact the world around you
(You matter!!!)
Please share the following concepts as a part of this lesson:
We get good at what we practice. The I AM Noticed Cycle was created to help us all practice the skills that allow us to be more confident, resilient, and ultimately more positive.
Think about the things that you practice. Maybe it's reading, maybe it's a sport, or an art. Every time we practice we grow. Sometimes that feels easy, and sometimes that feels hard. The key is to keep practicing goodness so that we can be the best versions of ourselves.
To Print: Right click, save to desktop, then print
We get good at what we practice. This is true because practicing skills over time causes neural pathways in our brains to work more efficiently via the white matter in our brains called myelination. So be careful what you choose to practice! If you choose to practice positive thoughts, feelings, and activities you will get good at them, and the same is true for the negative.
Lesson 1.3: Talking About Confidence
Supplies needed: Journal optional
Big Idea 1: SE 1 Understanding Self as an Individual and as a Member of Diverse Local and Global Communities
Concept C: Being a Contributing Member of a Diverse Global Community
Have a conversation about what it means to be confident. Encourage active listening and respectful attitudes for all participants.
What does confidence look like? Who do you think of when you think of confidence? Brainstorm characteristics of a confident person. For example, confident people are often kind, helpful, friendly, inclusive, curious, and feel good about who they are.
Students can also utilize the What Does Confidence Look Like Worksheet to capture their independent thoughts prior to group discussion.
Encourage everyone to commit to growing their own confidence by practicing the I AM Noticed Cycle. Support each other along the way so that we can create an even more positive culture.
Confident people build people up. Confident behavior is not arrogant and it is not self destructive.
One of the common behaviors of a confident leader is to listen respectfully to the ideas of others. Modeling this during the class discussion time is something that will encourage everyone to share their ideas confidently.
Confidence builds people up.
Quick Tip>
University research published in 2018 found that in adolescents, higher self-confidence predicts happiness, belonging, and overall mental wellness while lower self-confidence predicts higher levels of disengagement, loneliness, and feelings of disempowerment.