I AM Noticed Curriculum Guide 2024-25
Thank you for choosing to be an I AM Noticed leader. From this page you can access all of the I AM Noticed Curriculum. We hope this content will enhance your relationships, support a sense of belonging for all of the students, staff, & family members in your building, all while helping you and everyone in your classroom(s) be more confident.
I AM Noticed is for EVERYONE!
The Core Content was built on the I AM Noticed Program & Curriculum Model©
Connections - intra/interpersonal communication & relationship building
Practices - positive practices contained in the I AM Noticed Cycle
Competencies - individual confidence which leads to cultural confidence
The Core Content provides engaging activities that can be led by staff or I AM Noticed peer models. The goal is to use the core content on a consistent basis throughout the school year.
Here is how it works:
There are 7 curricular focuses within the core content, for a total of 21 lessons designed to be taught in order. The time for each lesson can vary. Lessons were designed to fit into class meeting time. In addition to the core content, you can find additional content below.
Curricular Focuses:
Introduction & Discovery (Lessons 1.1, 1.2 ,1.3)
Want-To (Lessons 2.1, 2.2 ,2.3)
Positive I AMs (Lessons 3.1, 3.2 ,3.3)
Noticing Goodness (Lessons 4.1, 4.2 ,4.3)
Receiving Goodness (Lessons 5.1, 5.2 ,5.3)
I AM Noticed is a tier 1 approach.
The I AM Noticed Curriculum provides opportunities for mental wellness check-ins.
Quick Tip>
I AM Noticed is a proactive, tier 1 approach to mental wellness. I AM Noticed practices are designed to encourage participants to choose confident and resilient behaviors.
Keep in mind that this conversation may be easy for some people and hard for others. If mental health concerns are preventing participants from choosing positive practices, please encourage a conversation with the school counselor or other mental health professional.
Look for Quick Tips throughout the core content for helpful suggestions and encouragement. Just click to reveal the quick tip. We've got your back. You are not alone!
You will find Big Ideas and Concepts which correlate with DESE's Missouri Comprehensive School Counseling for each lesson in a blue text.
It makes sense.
I AM Noticed doesn't just feel good.
Be on the lookout for special orange text in yellow quotes for fun facts.
Referencing I AM Noticed Curriculum gives educators the most comprehensive explanation of lesson design and intentionality. In addition to the original content, grade level adaptations are available. Check out the yellow icons at the bottom of each page to reference the grade level adaptations.
PreK-2 Grade Level Adaptations
3-5 Grade Level Adaptations
Secondary Grade Level Adaptations
​Some important to-dos as you prepare for your class:
* Each participant should have a designated folder for I AM Noticed that can be accessed throughout the semester/ school year.
* Prior to leading each segment please review the lesson. Lessons can be adjusted to be more simple or complex as needed for your grade level.
* Print out any worksheets provided, and gather any necessary supplies prior to each lesson.